Creating a school pond
Having access to a pond can provide learners with many opportunities to engage with the natural world and is often a valuable resource, attracting wildlife to even the most urban of settings. However, due to the potential hazards presented by a body of water, constructing a pond within school grounds needs careful consideration.
Get Set – Investigations with Jelly
You and your learners may well have enjoyed a trifle, or other jelly based pudding recently. When following the instructions for making up the jelly you may have noticed some interesting information. If you look at some recipes for setting fruit into jelly you may see a warning about using certain fruits.
This raises several questions which could lead to investigations which are suitable for the primary classroom.
Pupils and students must, of course, never build circuits that run directly from mains electricity. Batteries make a safe, effective substitute, provided you follow some simple advice.
SSERC_Meets: SSERC’s online CPD
An introduction to our online, but still hands-on, CLPL training courses.
Health & Safety update: making putty (or slime) in class
Following the slimy craze that is sweeping the nation, this article tells you what the risks are and how you and your pupils can make slime or putty in the classroom safely.
Investigating reflection of light provides a great opportunity to link science and maths Experiences & Outcomes. As an introduction to the topic of reflection children can explore their local environment to determine the types of surfaces that are good for reflecting light, this may include looking at water surfaces on ponds, glass in windows, metal in vehicles, and mirrors.
See below for videos.
Periscope instructions