The page numbers refer to the pages in the pdf. (The numbers in brackets are those given in the actual bulletin)
3(1) Introduction
Future exhibitions, New general science course
4(2) Opinion
Servicing of apparatus – “We need local science centres in every Education Authority”.
5(3) “Pearls in air” experiment –
What we feel is an easier method, using standard equipment has been notified to us.
5(3) Note on the supply of radioactive sources
A change in some specifications.
5(3) Erratum
Hysteresis loop correction to Bulletin 8.
6(4) Surplus components available
6(4) The Constant-Load Balance
The fore-runner of the constant-load, single-pan balance was the equal arm beam balance, still to be found in many chemistry laboratories.
10(8) Display Laboratory
Latest additions
12(10) Trade News
Supplement – Balances Summary
14(12) Address List
The page numbers refer to the pages in the pdf. (The numbers in brackets are those given in the actual bulletin)
3(1) Introduction
Availability of CLEAPSE reports, Development Committee meeting, Closing dates
3(1) Eudiometer tubes
An alternative to the now banned induction coil method.
4(2) Conductivity experiments
An error in the article in Bulletin 10
4(2) Soldering of carbon electrodes
A useful tip to make this easier.
4(2) Trade News
6(4) Copies of strobe photographs
A simple method of making copies of polaroid images.
7(5) In The Workshop – K.E. experiments with trolleys
A unit using dynamics trolleys to verify that P.d = 1/2mv2 and designed in Falkirk High School has been assembled and tested by us.
9(7) In The Workshop – A blanking – photo-electrical control unit
The photo-electric control used. with the trolley frame described above was made up in the Centres and offers a cheaper alternative than the commercial version.
10(8) In The Workshop – Auxanometer
An improved form of auxanometer which does not require a smoked drum, but records on ordinary paper and will give a carbon copy if needed, has been designed in the Centre.
14(12) Address List
The page numbers refer to the pages in the pdf. (The numbers in brackets are those given in the actual bulletin)
3(1) Introduction
Future exhibitions, Apparatus lists
3(1) Opinion
State control needn’t limit private school innovation.
4(2) Oscillatory motion
Whether this can properly be classified as an oscillation we leave the teacher to decide; from energy considerations it would seem very analogous to the pendulum clock.
4(2) Circuit board. connectors
Alternative methods of connecting components on the Worcester circuit board.
5(3) Mains lead clip
To avoid trailing leads.
5(3) Projectile motion
A method of showing the independence of horizontal and vertical motions in free fall
5(3) 300V power supply
Making one using a standard valve filament transformer.
5(3) induction coil usage
The use of induction coils is now banned in schools.
6(4) Silicone greases
Silicone greases should not be used to lubricate stopcocks on burettes or other graduated glassware.
6(4) Reagent standards
A dubious example of ‘purity’.
6(4) Trade News
8(6) Display Laboratory
Items added recently.
8(6) In The Workshop – Burette filler
A suggestion for an automatic burette filler.
9(7) In The Workshop – forearm model
A modification to the traditional forearm movement model.
9(7) In The Workshop – semi-circular canals model
A simple model of the ear’s semi-circular canals.
10(8) In The Workshop – perspex hot wire bender
A simple way to bend perspex sheeting.
12(10) Address List
The page numbers refer to the pages in the pdf. (The numbers in brackets are those given in the actual bulletin)
3(1) Opinion Page
3(1) De-ionised water
CLEAPSE have carried out an interesting survey in the comparative costs of producing distilled and deionised water.
4(2) Radiographs
Taking radiographs using radioactive sources is a straightforward procedure
5(3) Registration of radioactive sources
The registration procedure required by the Scottish Education Department
5(3) Microscope Tests
Modifications to the procedures outlined in “Microscope Tests” in Bulletin 7
8(6) Display Laboratory
Additions to the laboratory.
9(7) Trade News
10(8) In The Workshop – monkey and gun experiment
A set up with which we have achieved consistent results.
13(11) Bulletin Supplement – Microscope summary
(A blank page)
14(12) Address List
The page numbers refer to the pages in the pdf. (The numbers in brackets are those given in the actual bulletin)
3(1) Introduction
Opening the columns to a supplier.
3(1) Opinion
Recruiting teachers.
4(2) E. L.T. Power Supplies
We embark on some tests.
6(4) A.C. milliammeter
An alternetive imethod for measuring alternating currents when carrying out conductimetric titrations.
7(5) Exothermal reaction
An exothermic reaction which is safe for use by pupils themselves
8(6) Trade News
9(7) Amoeba culture
A method which we have found successful and which will provide a plentiful supply for months is outlined.
9(7) Damped oscillation
A suggestion for displaying a damped oscillation on the oscilloscope.
10(8) Aerocups
Dissolving in turpentine.
10(8) Display Laboratory
Latest additions
11(9) Bulletin Supplement – Power Supplies & Microscopes
(This page is blank)
12(10) Address List
The page numbers refer to the pages in the pdf. (The numbers in brackets are those given in the actual bulletin)
3(1) Introduction
3(1) Opinion
Science Advisors, Comprehensives.
4(2) Water barometer
The construction of an accurate water barometer is an impossible task because the final instrument will be temperature dependent, due to the vapour pressure of the waters.
5(3) The velocity of light
We give some indication to teachers of the possibilities in using a laser beam to determine the velocity of light.
7(5) Brownian motion
In common with many teachers we have thought it very desirable to be able to show the effect of temperature on molecular movement using a Brownian motion cell.
8(6) Trade News
8(6) Anodising aluminium
Anodising aluminium is perhaps as popular with the school’s technical department as it is with chemistry teachers.
9(7) In The Workshop – a gas generator
A pupil gas generator for hydrogen or carbon dioxide can be made from two plastic detergent bottles.
11(9) In The Workshop – a binary adder/subtracter
The design for the binary adder/subtracter given below was copied from a model shown by the B.B.C. on their stand at the A.S.E. conference at Nottingham last year.
13(11) Bulletin Supplement – power supplies
We give below the second half of the summary on the reports on E.L.T. power supplies.
14(12) Address List
The page numbers refer to the pages in the pdf. (The numbers in brackets are those given in the actual bulletin)
3(1) Introduction
Look after your Bulletins, Distribution list, New telephone number.
3(1) Bottle labels
Simple labels made from detergent bottles.
5(2) Electrode potentials
The complexity with which one measures electrode potentials is up to the individual teacher
7(4) Display Laboratory
The latest additions.
8(5) Trade News
9(6) In The Workshop – sunshine recorder
A sunshine recorder can be constructed using a water-filled, round-bottomed flask as a spherical lens.
10(7) In The Workshop – electrode potential cell
Apparatus that illustrates that there is no tension in an elastic band supporting an object when both are falling freely.
13(10) Address List
The page numbers refer to the pages in the pdf. (The numbers in brackets are those given in the actual bulletin)
3(1) Introduction
Lending apparatus, Holiday closures.
3(1) Opinion
4(2) Physics equipment loan
Brief descriptions of the pieces of physics apparatus which we are prepared to lend to schools for use in projects,
6(4) Diffusion troughs
Shallow troughs for demonstrating diffusion can be cut from detergent bottles.
6(4) Electrode potentials
Comments on our item in the last Bulletin.
6(4) Equipment loan
Description of the colorimeter.
7(5) Trade News
8(6) In The Workshop – diffusion and osmosis experiments
A convenient method of employing Visking tubing
9(7) In The Workshop – transistor breadboard construction
We give details of an electronic breadboard. which can be used to assemble experimental circuits without soldering.
14(12) Address List