The page numbers refer to the pages in the pdf. (The numbers in brackets are those given in the actual bulletin)
3 Foreword
By Mrs. Judith Hart, M.P. – Joint Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Scotland.
4(1) Development Committee formed.
4(1) Opinion
Joe Stewart – experimental work in science
6(3) Display Laboratory
We are rapidly building up a stock of display material to such an extent that it is now no longer possible to put all items on display at once.
7(4) Valve characteristics
Pupils can carry out work on diode and triode characteristics without the use of H.T. Power units
8(5) Nuffield Version of Boyle’s Law Apparatus.
Features of this apparatus which might well be clarified.
8(5) Trade News
10(7) The Vacuum Pump
How it works and how to look after it.
11(8) In The Workshop – demonstrating the action of the Renal tubule
A simple but effective piece of apparatus for demonstrating the action of the Penal tubule can be made from two thistle funnels and a 30” length of 1.5mm inside diameter polyethene tubing.
The page numbers refer to the pages in the pdf. (The numbers in brackets are those given in the actual bulletin)
3(1) Introduction
Report from the first meeting of the Development Committee
4(2) Opinion
Testing microscopes, Transistorised equipment and warning lights.
6(4) Trade News
9(7) Display Laboratory
Recent additions.
10(8) Electrochemistry
Many chemists are demanding over—elaborate power supplies for use in these experiments.
10(8) Double-beam oscilloscope work
Teacher sometimes enquire whether we think a double-beam oscilloscope is a necessary tool in the physics course.
11(9) In The Workshop – smoke tunnel design
How to make a working smoke tunnel.
14(12) Address List
The page numbers refer to the pages in the pdf. (The numbers in brackets are those given in the actual bulletin)
3(1) Introduction
Locating the Centre.
4(2) Opinion
The Edinburgh Science Teachers Bulletin, LA Science Centres.
5(3) Display Laboratory
New Additions.
6(4) Double beam
More on providing double-beam facilities on a single beam oscilloscope.
7(5) Energy conversions
We have recently employed a new Microlamp in a variety of circuits for illustrating energy conversions.
8(6) Detection of IR radiation
Detection of infra-red radiation as a demonstration experiment using an OCP7I photo-transistor
8(6) Low voltage heater
A tip for those making your own low-voltage heaters.
8(6) Trade News
10(8) A.S.E. Meeting
Report from the Scottish meeting in Edinburgh.
11(9) In The Workshop – copying Worcester Circuit Boards.
A sensible, cheaper, procedure in our view is to buy one and then set about copying
14(12) Address List
The page numbers refer to the pages in the pdf. (The numbers in brackets are those given in the actual bulletin)
3(1) Introduction
Fees for direct grant and independent schools.
3(1) Opinion
Concern at the proliferation of power units, Streaming in schools.
4(2) Trade News
5(3) Display Laboratory
The latest additions.
5(3) Physics Equipment: Year IV
The first half of an equipment list.
11(9) In The Workshop – A Tidal Aquarium
This tidal aquarium once set up will keep marine animals healthy for considerable periods, 2 years and probably much longer with little attention.
14(12) Address List
The page numbers refer to the pages in the pdf. (The numbers in brackets are those given in the actual bulletin)
3(1) Introduction
Testing of microscopes.
3(1) Opinion
Notes on compressed gases, Going metric.
4(2) Trade News
5(3) Display Laboratory
Latest additions.
6(4) Crystal microphone
This can be dismantled to show the piezo-electric effect.
6(4) Microscope Tests
Specifications and procedures for testing.
8(6) Physics equipment
The second half of the equipment list, the first of which appeared in Bulletin 6.
11(9) In the Workshop – Bird claw design
This apparatus demonstrates the perching mechanism in birds.
12(10) Address List
The page numbers refer to the pages in the pdf. (The numbers in brackets are those given in the actual bulletin)
3(1) Introduction
Bulletin items, SSSERC on tour.
3(1) Trade News
4(2) Controlling liquid flow in a burette
Instead of the usual stopcoek or pinch clip on the burette, control can be easily achieved by means of a glass bead in a rubber or latex tube
4(2) Making plastic sulphur
A method which does not appear in any of the text-books
4(2) Physics Hints & Tips
4(2) Charge and potential
A demonstration of fundamental importance in electrostatics, in the way in which it illustrates the relationship between charge and potential, and incidentally teaches that a GLE measures potential and not charge.
5(3) Hysteresis loop
We give the circuit for showing hysteresis loop on an oscilloscope.
6(4) Adapting meters
As there are advantages in using the same instrument for all pupil work, we give below the use of wire length required to shunt this instrument for various currents.
7(5) Measuring g
All of the designs we have so far seen have a built-in and totally unnecessary error which raises doubts as to their accuracy.
8(6) In the Workshop – Impact switch for strobe photography
a simple design for an impact switch which does not involve a magnetic latch and which operates within 6ms.
9(7) In the Workshop – continuity tester
The tester is simple enough to be made by the pupils themselves.
9(7) In the Workshop – direct vision spectroscope
Making pupil spectroscopes.
10(8) In the Workshop – solar motor
How to make a simple solar motor.
12(10) Address list.
The page numbers refer to the pages in the pdf. (The numbers in brackets are those given in the actual bulletin)
3(1) Introduction
3(1) Opinion
Nuffield Biology
3(1) Microscope specifications
Specification for ‘O’, ‘H’ and post ‘H’ levels
4(2) Reaction times
Measurement of individual reaction times.
4(2) Lung model
Enhancing using a manometer
5(3) The Millikan Experiment
Details of how to carry out this seminal experiment.
8(6) Laboratory Workshop Equipment for sale
10(8) Measuring g
By free fall using apparatus from Griffin & George.
10(8) Direct vision spectroscope
Omission from article in the last Bulletin.
10(8) Shunts for Japanese meters
Varying resistances causing problems with our suggested modification in the last Bulletin.
11(9) Bulletin Supplement – Millikan’s apparatus
Report summaries and availability.
12(10) Address list
The page numbers refer to the pages in the pdf. (The numbers in brackets are those given in the actual bulletin)
3(1) Introduction
Bulletin indices, Don’t throw away your old Bulletins, Holiday closures.
3(1) Conductivity Experiments
15 successful experiments carried out to provide evidence for the existence of ions and of their mobility in solution.
8(6) Trade News
10(8) In the Workshop – Low Voltage Power Unit
A simple method of generating uni-directional from alternating current
12(10) Address List