Health and Safety
Contrary to what some people think, you can still keep and use mercury thermometers – they just need a little more care than other liquid in glass designs.
The dose of radiation you get by carrying out a school demonstration is very low. In this article, we look at what dose is, how we reduce it and how the dose from school activities compares with other common practices.
An overview of the health and safety implications of working with mud versus soil samples, with respect to microbiology, and how to safely sample human blood for microscopy.
Activities & Professional Learning
A look at the different methods for generating oxygen for use in the laboratory.
List of upcoming secondary and technician courses. Including a brief description of new courses for 2022/23.
Stephen Watson, a Biology teacher from Berwickshire High School in the Scottish Borders, reflects on his professional learning experience on the Biology Summer School in June 2022.
Biology Summer School – The Roslin Trip
Lauren King, a Biology teacher from Auchmuty High School in Fife, reflects on her professional learning at the Easter Bush Science Outreach Centre (EBSOC) (Roslin Institute) during the Biology Summer School in June 2022.
Wider STEM Engagement
Young STEM Leaders at Barrhead
List of upcoming events linked to the WSE programmes from SSERC.