b-galactosidase (lactase)
- Enzyme safety (NCBE)
- Immobilised lactase (NCBE)
- Using enzymes (NCBE)
- Competitive and non-competitive inhibitors and b‑galactosidase (Practical protocol [SSERC])
- Competitive and non-competitive inhibitors and b‑galactosidase (PowerPoint [SSERC])
- Lactose – the problem? (Teacher/technical guide)
- Lactose – the problem? (Student notes)
Dopa oxidase
- Dopa oxidase – a perfect enzyme? (SSERC Bulletin article)
- Dopa oxidase – practical protocol (SSERC)
- Dopa oxidase – supporting PowerPoint (SSERC)
- Dopa oxidase – taken from the Mystrica website
- Practical protocol (SSERC)
- Supporting PowerPoint (SSERC)
- Fun with phosphatase (SSERC Bulletin article)
Bacterial Transformation
Practical activity – based on kit available from Bio-Rad
- Student Guide
- Technical Guide
- PowerPoint (SSERC – available here as a ‘zipped’ file)