The page numbers refer to the pages in the pdf. (The numbers in brackets are those given in the actual bulletin)
3(1) Foreword
Sponsorship reversal
3(1) SATROSPHERE – Dream and Reality
4(2) Opinion
Right reason, wrong response,
5(3) Introduction
Environmental Studies, – SSERC training courses, Robotics competition results
7(5) Safety notes
Exploding Kipps, S odium incident, potassium problem, Electrical safety: obsolete equipment, Labpacks, latest episode, COSHH amendments, Transfer chamber incident, Safety in fieldwork publication, Exploding screen cleaner.
12(10) DNA technology kits : A review
This article describes the general approaches to practical work on aspects of DNA technology adopted by two educational kits. The contents of the kits are described and some evaluation of their use in practice given.
24(22) Hydrolysis of urea: TAPS 3 Investigation C30
Modifications to the TAPS (Teacher Assessment of Practical Skills) method for this investigation are described and sample results provided.
27(25) Graphics competition
28(26) Surplus equipment offers
31(29) Cumulative index to issues 170-179
The page numbers refer to the pages in the pdf. (The numbers in brackets are those given in the actual bulletin)
3(1) Opinion
Safety Notes
4(2) Concern over wiring plugs
5(3) Management Regulations
5(3) Put a lid on it – the sodium
6(4) Transfer chamber incident
6(4) Safety Signs Regulations
6(4) Dangerous Irwin switch
7(5) Glassware for density of air experiment
7(5) Labgear radioactive sources
8(6) Focused sunlight damage
9(7) Radon and the acceptability of risk
By detecting the presence of radon in the atmosphere, teachers are able to introduce the concepts of risk and comparative risk.
11(9) Tachogenerator applications – Part 1
A number of ideas on how to measure motion inside the laboratory with interfaces and outside with dataloggers – not a highly technical article – we just show you what is possible, with graphics of suggested gear and real data.
18(16) DIY lightmeter for pupil investigations
Two DIY alternatives to the use of commercial light sensors are described for use in a Standard Grade Chemistry Investigation into “Rusting” (syllabus reference – Topic 12).
21(19) Magnetic Cornflakes
Class 1 B4 of George Watson’s College, Edinburgh describe their investigations into this strange and wondrous phenomenon.
22(20) Microscopic examination of yeast
Microscopic examination of yeast cells
23(21) Unilab Motion QED
The Motion QED is a Unilab instrument that measures time, speed and acceleration. This article looks at its intrinsic performance. The effects of light gates, other apparatus and experimental conditions are not considered.
26(24) QED and light gates to measure g
Whereas the scope of the previous article consisted of the Motion QED in isolation from other apparatus, this article looks at the performance of a complete measuring system comprising QED, light gates and masks, and the effects of ambient and experimental conditions. The test is the measurement of gravitational acceleration. How near to 9.81 ms-2 can we get?
29(27) Dynamics trolleys
The new PASCO Dynamics Cart is assessed and summarily compared with traditional trolleys, with Unilab’s Bogie and with a linear air track. We describe the typical performance to expect from the PASCO Cart in standard experiments.
38(36) Notices and Trade News
Graphics competition, Schools Chip Set, Buckybox kits, Software and hardware news
40(38) Surplus equipment offers
The page numbers refer to the pages in the pdf. (The numbers in brackets are those given in the actual bulletin)
3(1) Foreword
Bulletin sponsorship, Engineering Council, The WISE campaign
4(2) Clyde built An appreciation of Scottish engineering
12(10) Work Equipment Regulations
A summary of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1992 was provided in this section of Bulletin 181. The Management Regulations are but one of a group of six made under the enabling powers of the Health and Safety at Work Act. Here we essay a description of another set of specific Regulations in the so-called “six-pack”.
15(13) Pressure Systems Regulations
The Pressure Systems and Transportable Gas Containers Regulations 1989 came fully into force as from 1st July of this year. The major requirements are summarised. A reminder is given of earlier circulation by SSERC of proforma providing schemes of examination and for recording the results of annual inspections.
18(16) Steam engine safety
Running a steam engine is educationally valuable and it should also be a bit of fun. This article arises out of a need to ensure the likelihood of accidents is minimised.
21(19) Equipment Notes Model steam engines
We report on the safety and other design features of three model steam engines. We also report on their performances. The three engines tested are representative of a wider range of models (Table 1).
27(25) Autoclaves
Updated information on one series of models of autoclaves is provided. Recent difficulties over reputed shortcomings in the design of these Prestige Medical devices with regard to the requirements of British Standards, the Work Equipment Regulations and HSE Guidance Note PM73 are discussed.
31(29) Centrifuges
A general description of the Work Equipment Regulations is given in the Safety Notes section of this issue (see page 10). This related article seeks to provide a more specific account of the practical application of these Regulations to one type of laboratory equipment.
34(32) Tachogenerator applications Part 2
Continuing the ever-expanding number of ideas for the, if-it-moves interface it, tachogenerators or, 1001 ideas for CSYS Projects. As promised we get on our bike, balance our wheels, get in the swing and experience of bit of wind! There is also information on a simple voltage-reduction circuit and news of a cheaper motor which is good enough for many of the applications.
39(37) Machine safety
Some aspects of safety in the design of work equipment are suggested as possible contexts for teaching and learning in technology courses. The article attempts to put to positive educational use concepts behind some of the preventive and protective measures required by the Work Equipment Regs.
42(40) Distinguishing glass types
Now you see it, now you don’t, or a simple means of distinguishing between soda and Pyrex glass.
43(41) Hydrogen spectrum
Observing the visible lines of the Balmer series in atomic hydrogen
44(42) Surplus equipment offers
The page numbers refer to the pages in the pdf. (The numbers in brackets are those given in the actual bulletin)
3(1) Introduction
Dates for the diary, ASE, Awards etc.
4(2) Platform
The Greenhouse Effect – what should we teach? (By Wilson Flood)
6(4) Practical work with DNA
Health and safety implications of school practical work using DNA and of equipment and materials ancilliary to such usage are described and assessed. It is concluded that the practical work catered for in two recent kits is not only acceptably safe but also educationally valuable.
9(7) Work Equipment Regulations – addendum
Further clarification about CE marking.
10(8) Felt-tip pens
We have read a report of a thirteen year old boy who developed acute dermatitis after writing on his hand with a marker pen
10(8) Alternative solvents
Alternatives to the soon to be phased out 1,1,1-trichloroethane
11(9) Plug-top teaching aid
Templates for the construction of a large scale demonstration model of the wiring of an electric plug are provided and their use described.
14(12) Interfaces, Dataloggers and sensors – a market survey
An updated summary of SSERC’s advice on computer choice is given and a number of tables are presented which give information as to what is currently available together with details of sources, prices and order codes or catalogue numbers.
18(16) Kits for digital electronics from JJM
JJM Electronics have designed two kits with which to support practical work in the Digital Electronics Optional Topic in CSYS Physics. Both kits are reviewed here. The kits are also of use in other courses.
20(18) Timing projectile motion
The time of flight of a projectile can be automatically measured by using two vibration detectors, as used in security applications, to trigger an electronic timer.
26(24) Tungsten filament lamp ratings
Measured values of power have been found to lie consistently below rated values. Why is this?
28(26) Impending gloom?
Have the lights become dimmer all over Scotland? By how much will lights dim because of voltage harmonization with our European partners?
30(28) Motor speed control – Higher grade Technological Studies
Use of a tachogenerator.
20(28) Hill reaction
We have had a few enquiries on the technical details of this practical for biology
31(29) Iodine for starch tests – again
Why you should use more dilute iodine solutions.
32(30) Surplus equipment offers