The page numbers refer to the pages in the pdf. (The numbers in brackets are those given in the actual bulletin)
3(1) Introduction
Accident & emergency procedures, SYS physics experimental guide, Exhibition programme
4(2) Opinion
Manufacturers’ catalogues
5(3) Melting point apparatus
A satisfactory melting point apparatus can be made from a scrap 500 g or 200 g brass weight, or from a block of aluminium
6(4) Automatic precipitate washing 4.
We show a method of providing automatic washing of a precipitate in a filter funnel
6(4) Paper chromatography
A variation on the common method.
7(5) Velocity of sound in a rod
An experiment that may be of interest to anyone investigating the velocity of sound in a rod, by any of the techniques described in Bulletin 49, or elsewhere.
7(5) Microbiology hazards
We would. like to draw the attention of teachers to an article “How safe are microbiology texts?” by Wyatt and Wright in the “Journal of Biological Education”
8(6) Trade News
10(8) In the Workshop – thermoelectric effect apparatus
A method of demonstrating the thermo-electric effect, borrowed via Didacta from East Germany.
11(9) ‘Umbrella inversion’ molecular model
A model to to illustrate the ‘inversion’ which takes place in the methane molecule when a hydrogen is replaced by a halogen atom,
14(12) Address List
The page numbers refer to the pages in the pdf. (The numbers in brackets are those given in the actual bulletin)
3(1) Introduction
Scottish Branch A.S.E. annual meeting
3(1) Opinion
Chemical and psychological hazards
4(2) Melting point apparatus
An amendment to the article in Bulletin 76
5(3) Surplus physics equipment
8(6) Thermoelectric effect
A correction to the article in Bulletin 76
8(6) Bridge rectification model
A design for apparatus to show the current path at different parts of the cycle in bridge rectification
10(8) Peak and rms values
A query about a CSYS experiment.
10(8) In The Workshop – A battery soldering iron 8.
12(10) In The Workshop – Intercostal rib cage model
13(11) In The Workshop – Abrading glass tubing
14(12) Address List
The page numbers refer to the pages in the pdf. (The numbers in brackets are those given in the actual bulletin)
3(1) Introduction
Spiralling costs
3(1) Opinion
Symbols and abbreviations
5(3) Dissolved oxygen measurement
We have developed a piece of apparatus which may be more efficient in minimising errors from these sources than the apparatus usually recommended.
8(6) Collapsed can experiment
Using a ring-pull can.
9(7) flameproof cabinet test
Following on from Bulletin 75: results of tests on metal cabinets.
12(10) pH electrode simulator
A method of testing the workings of your pH probe.
13(11) equilibrium constant of lead sulphate/sodium iodide
Problems with purity of the reagents.
14(12) Address List
The page numbers refer to the pages in the pdf. (The numbers in brackets are those given in the actual bulletin)
3(1) Introduction
Hazardous chemicals manual – developments
3(1) Millon’s reagent
The case against its continued use.
7(5) Laboratory accidents
Lithium explosion on heating, Pupil squirting liquid from a syringe, heating of a liquid in a closed flask fitted with a Bunsen valve, Butyric acid accident due to ‘horseplay’.
8(6) Molecular weight determination
Using a lighter fuel container to determine the molecular weight of a gas.
9(7) Sodium street lamps
Warning about their disposal
10(8) Integrated circuit multivibrator
Using an inverter to mimic a triode valve or transistor in a multi-vibrator circuit,
11(9) Trade News
12(10) In The Workshop – ticker tape dispenser
A simply a wall-mounted flat box carrying a roll of ticker tape, with a hinged top to allow the reel to be dropped in,
14(12)Address List
The page numbers refer to the pages in the pdf. (The numbers in brackets are those given in the actual bulletin)
3(1) Introduction
Basic and workshop equipment list
3(1) Disinfectants
A review of the apparopriate (and inappropriate) usage of detergents in the microbiological laboaratory.
8(6) In The Workshop – Flask shaker
A simple design for a DIY flask shaker.
12(10) Address List
13(11) Bulletin Index, Nos. 70 – 79
The page numbers refer to the pages in the pdf. (The numbers in brackets are those given in the actual bulletin)
3(1) Introduction
Overseas subscriptions, Bulletin abstracts
Physics Abstracts
A list of past physics articles and the Bulletin(s) where they are located
4(2) Mathematical logic
4(2) Measurement
4(2) Mecianics
4(2) Dynamics
5(3) Energy conversions
6(4) Fluid mechanics
6(4) Waves
6(4) Gas laws
6(4) Sound
7(5) Optics
7(5) Heat
8(6) Electrostatics
8(6) Current electricity
10(8) Electromagnetism
10(8) AC theory
11(9) Electronics 9.
11(9) Atomic physics 9.
12(10) Meteorology
12(10) Workshop practice
12(10) Trade News
14(12) Address List
The page numbers refer to the pages in the pdf. (The numbers in brackets are those given in the actual bulletin)
3(1) Introduction
Establishing a cost index
3(1) Opinion
The Health and Safety at Work Act
Chemistry Abstracts
A list of past chemistry articles and the Bulletin(s) where they are located
5(3) General 3
5(3) Thermo-chemistry and thermodynamics
6(4) Chemical dynamics
6(4) Electro—chemistry
7(5) Colloid chemistry
7(5) Molecular weight
7(5) Chemical compounds
8(6) Chemical structure in relation to properties
8(6) Experimental and preparative chemistry
9(7) Measurement and instrumentation
9(7) Physical methods of analysis
9(7) Chromatography
10(8) Organic chemistry
10(8) Gaseous fuels
11(9) Workshop practice
11(9) Safety
13(11) Bulletin Supplement – low voltage power units
Reviews available for various low power units.
14(12) Address list
The page numbers refer to the pages in the pdf. (The numbers in brackets are those given in the actual bulletin)
3(1) Introduction
Surplus equipment
4(2) Opinion
Abbreviations and acronyms.
Biology Abstracts
A list of past biology articles and the Bulletin(s) where they are located
5(3) Transport systems
5(3) Respiration
6(4) Photosynthesis
6(4) Nutrition
7(5) Growth
7(5) Reproduction
7(5) Movement
7(5) Sensitivity
7(5) Ecology
8(6) Microscopy
9(7) Husbandry
10(8) Surplus physics equipment
12(10) Fire-resistant paint offer
13(11) Trade News
14(12) Address List
The page numbers refer to the pages in the pdf. (The numbers in brackets are those given in the actual bulletin)
3(1) Introduction
CSYS experimental guide to electrostatics, SSSERC annual subscription, Christmas and New Year closing dates
3(1) Opinion
More S.I. and abbreviations
4(2) Demonstrating the mechanics of sailing
A method of demonstrating the action of sailing on a broad reach, or sailing into the wind,
5(3) Correction to physics equipment list
5(3) Correction to pelican crossing circuit in Bulletin 72
5(3) Phase relations in a capacitor
Following on from Bulletin 68. We show how a simple pendulum with its tip moving in a conducting solution can be used to demonstrate phase relationships.
7(5) Potometer for use on the OHP
We demonstrate a simple design.
9(7) Trade News
10(8) In The Workshop – Vibrating spatula
A simple method for making this useful device
10(8) In The Workshop – Aquarium pump
We have produced another adaptation which will allow an aquarium to be aerated from a low voltage supply such as a car battery.
12(10) In The Workshop – burglar-proofing a room
A rather eccentric electric circuit project.
14 (12) Address List
The page numbers refer to the pages in the pdf. (The numbers in brackets are those given in the actual bulletin)
3(1) Introduction
Surplus equipment, Cost index, Christmas and New Year closing dates
3(1) Poor man’s phase contrast
Using polarised light as a cheaper alternative.
5(3) Methanal hazard
A warning not to allow methanol to contact hydrochloric acid.
6(4) Laboratory accidents
Bottle of calcium carbide shattered, Use of a vacuum cleaner as a compressed air source to drive a bench blowpipe.
6(4) FE help with CSYS projects
Some colleges have offered to assist.
7(5) Surplus physics equipment
10(8) Printed circuits
Etching your own circuits.
11(9) Trade News.
12(10) In The Workshop – solids dispenser
A convenient dispenser for solids, based on the sugar dispenser used by cafes
12(10) Diode and transistor models
Simple models to demonstrate the workings of these components.
14(12) Address List