Welcome to the Technicians Home Page
From here you can access all sorts of useful technician related resources.
Returning to School after the Covid-19 lockdown
We have put together a guidance document to highlight the various tasks that will need to be undertaken to ensure things are safe for the resumption of teaching – in whatever form it will take in the new session. You can access the new document here.
Health and safety
Hazardous Chemical database. This has information on many of the chemicals that are commonly encountered in schools. It contains data on the hazards associated with each chemical, information on how to handle, store and dispose of it, or what to do if you have a spill or accident.
There is also an index (here) to enable you to search for a chemical under a variety of names.
Technical Department Risk Assessments. From here you can download many generic risk assessments related to the Safe Use of most workshop machinery you will find in a school technical department, as well as technician workshops. These are in a word format and need to be personalised to your school.
Here you will find information relating to Technician related CPD courses.
Click the link above to access the new Technicians resource site.
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Social Media
If you would like to keep up to date with all things Techniciany across Scotland, we can be found on:
Facebook – SSERCtechnicians
Twitter – @SSERCtechnician