These are 339 vector-based .wmf files covering a variety of bits of Physics apparatus. The zipped folder titles correspond to a number of areas in Physics. Please note that some areas are no longer covered in the current curriculum and some equipment shown may no longer be available. To get the graphics click on any link e.g. Dynamics :-
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Zipped Physics Apparatus folders [Complete collection]
COIL single coil of wire like spring
HELMHOLT Helmholtz coil plan view
HELMHISO Helmholtz coil isometric view
Coulombmeters mono for black & white printing
BALLRUNI copper tube dynamics runway isometric view
BALLRUNW copper tube dynamics runway
ENCODEDI encoder disc 15 slots speed position frequency revs direction sensor
FANWHEEL dynamics fan wheel from car radiator used for distance vs time with precision pot
FONTROLL forces acting on a trolley on slope
ISOENCDI encoder disc 15 slots speed position frequency revs direction sensor isometric view
LIGHTGAT light gate photodiode light-gate interrupt mask dynamics measurement speed time acceleration tubular construction
LINEARAI linear air track triangular construction 2 vehicles dynamics low friction collisions
ACCMASK two section one slot mask for acceleration measuremnts with single light gate
ACCMEASU measurement of acceleration
BLUTKWHE blutak on model wheel damped oscillations
PORTESCA Portescap precision motor pulley wheel tachogenerator
PROPTROL propellor driven trolley dynamics Newton’s 3 Laws of Motion Bulletin 167
STOPCLOC stopclock analogue time timing measurement
TROLLEY dynamics vehicle
UNILLGAT Unilab light gate photodiode light-gate interrupt mask dynamics measurement speed time acceleration
VEHICLES trolley with plunger air track car train puffer choo-choo
CARTACHO car with propllor and motor as tacho for measuring speed
LITEPARA light parallax light source mask & sensor
WALKTHED walking the dog LogIT sitting on buggy with one wheel attached to tacho
LEDPARAD flashing LED paradox induction coil C-core magnet Bulletin 166
PELLETDR pellet stream dropping on balance Newton’s Second Law of Motion
WATERJET reaction of water jet leaving nozzle spring balance Newton’s Second Law of Motion
5PATTPIC 5 pattern picket fence mask for dynamics cart
CARTMAS5 500g cart mass
CARTTRAC cart dynamics track
DYNAMCAR dynamics cart
F=MA apparatus to demo f=ma with track, cart, pulley & mass hanger
FRICTION friction block
LIGHTGAT light gate, end view
LITEGPRO light gate, profile”
MASSES masses for mass hanger
MASSHANG mass hanger
PASCENTR PASCO Scientific Introductory Rotational Apparatus with Centripetal Force Accessory plan + side view angular velocity Bulletin 175
PIVOTCLA pivot clamp block for dynamics track
SPRING spring for dynamics cart to show damped oscillations
SUPERPUL superpulley
PASCOROT PASCO Scientific Introductory Rotational Apparatus plan + side view angular acceleration vs torque angular speed Bulletin 175
PASFRITO PASCO Scientific Introductory Rotational Apparatus determination of frictional torque Bulletin 175
10ADC shunt 10A d.c.
20VAC multiplier 20V a.c.
20VDC multiplier 20V d.c.
METER Easy Read meter box
1-10AAC shunt 10A a.c.
15VCELL 1.5V cell
4MMPLUGI isometric view of black & red 4mm plugs
4MMSOCLE isometric view of black & red sockets with leads
9VBATTER 9V ‘Duracell’ type battery
ABERGELE Abergele communication non-inverting inverting power op amp board op-amp
CAPAC220 capacitor 2200 uF microfarads
CELLHOLD cell holder for 1.5 V cell
CURRBALN apparatus to measure the strength of a magnetic field using a current balance
DECADERE decade resistance box
GRAMPOPA Grampian op-amp op amp board
ISOMOTOR isometric shaded view of electric motor with timing disc attached
POTENTIO potentiometer precision pot 10K schematic
SOLARCEL solar cell plan view showing honeycomb effect of lenses
VDIODE diode characteristic forward current
VOLTDIVI voltage divider schematic circuit 1.5V cell potentiometer
CALORIM Callander & Barnes constant flow calorimeter
LINEXPAN Philip Harris linear expansivity apparatus
MASSOAIR measurement of air mass in round bottomed flask
WATERMAS mass of water measurement Newton spring balance overflow can
LITEPHOT light from bulb falls into photocell voltage measured
MICROWIN microwave interfence pattern transmitter receiver reflecting plate Bulletin 178
MMGRAPH measure length of metre stick CRO waveforms transmitted and recived signals Bulletin 178
MMMOUNTD measure length of metre stick laser diode mounting quartz crystal oscillator lab jack vice Bulletin 178
LASERINT double slit laser interference patterns constructive destructive
LITEORP1 ORP12 light dependent resistor connected directly to multimeter resistance measurement
SOUNDINT investigate sound interference patterns signal generator loudspeakers microphone oscilloscope
UNILOLD old style with mechanical counter display
UNIMAINS mains joulemeter
UNILNEW new style with LED counter display
BAR various bar
HORSHOE horseshoe
NEODYMIU experiment dropping neodymium magnets down a copper tube
HARRAMM Harris ammeter
HARRVOLT Harris voltmeter
SPECTROM spectrometer optics light
BAROMTR oil filled barometer Bourdon gauge barometric pressure
MULTIMET digital multimeter
10SLTWHE 10 slit slot wheel stainless steel encoder disc
JACK laboratory scissors jack
MASS100G 100g mass iron hexagonal with lifting ring
MASSHANG mass hanger for cheeseweight slotted masses
MASSONSP mass hanger plus masses on spring attached to stand
MOTIONSE Educational Electronics Motion sensor speed position displacement measurement ultrasonic transmitter
NEWTBALA Newton spring balance 0-10N weight measurement
STRAINGA strain gauge lifesize x2 x4 x8
STRAINGM strain gauge mounted on cantilever beam
VICE laboratory vice
KYNARFIL Kynar film pyroelectric piezoelectric plastic plan view
KYNARISO Kynar film pyroelectric piezoelectric plastic isometric view
SOLDIRON soldering iron construction
CONCVCON concave convex lens ray diagrams refraction prism light
FOCUSNRF convex lens ray diagrams refraction light focus near & far
PETRIOPT Petri dish water fluorescein focal point eye accommodate glasses contact lens
ROUNDFLS round flasks different sizes focal point
REFRACTI various light rays incident on semicircular glass block
RAYDIAGS how to construct ray diagrams
MMOPTICA measure length of metre stick laser diode quartz crystal oscillator optical apparatus Bulletin 178
SINGLEB single beam
DUALBEAM dual beam
SCREEN oscilloscope screen
AUTOTRIP Harris low voltage power supply 12V
RANGER Unilab low voltage power supply 13V
UNI15VRE Unilab dual 15V regulated power supply
UNI5VREG Unilab 5V regulated power supply 0.5A
UNILOVOL 13 V stepped low voltage power supply
UNILEHT Unilab EHT power supply 0-5kV
CLOUDCHA Wilson cloud chamber radioactivity paths tracks charged particles
DECAYAPP radioactive radioactivity decay half life protactinium generator Pa-234
GMTUBE Geiger Muller tube counter radioactivity detector radioactive particles
HAZSIGN1 hazard radioactive radioactivity chemical symbol warning
HAZSIGN2 hazard radioactive radioactivity chemical symbol warning
RADIODEC system diagram for using VELA scaler oscilloscope & Geiger Muller tube
RADSOURC radioactive sealed source plus holder
XRAYFILM PHIL-X30 dental X-ray film radioactivity fogging
ALPHAABS counting alpha particles using Harris digicounter
HARRDIGI Harris digicounter
BIMETALT Day-Impex bimetal thermometer
DIGTHERM digital thermometer plus stainless steel probe
THERMIST bead probe showing heat shrink sleeving application
THERMPT1 Griffin Theta digital platinum thermometer meter
THERMTYP Griffin Theta type K thermocouple meter
CLOCK ordinary clock with hands
UNILAB Unilab digital stopclock
PHILHARR Philip Harris digital stopclock
EGGTIMER egg timer
CENTIMOD centisecond timer module for Unilab Easy Read meter
Unilab Simple (Primary) Electricity apparatus
2WAYSWIT 2-way switch
BULBHOLD bulb holder
BUZZER buzzer unit
CARBONRO carbon rods
CELLHOLD 1.5V cell holder
ELECTRHO electrode holder
FIXDRESI fixed resistance holder
IRONROD iron rod
MOTOR motor unit
PRESSSWI pressure switch
UNIVRSCL universal clip
VARRESIS variable resistor