- Investigating plant evolution using chloroplast DNA and PCR. This practical activity, available in the form of a kit from NCBE, is based on an article which can be downloaded here.
- PCR of chloroplast DNA (A PowerPoint from SSERC)
- Polymerase Chain Reaction: Don’t assume what it says in the text books – prove it! [SSERC Bulletin].
- Green genes – an article from the SAPS website
- Green genes – Teacher Guide
- The unusual origin of the polymerase chain reaction – an overview by Kary Mullis
Genomics (SSERCmeet)
Professor Gerry Graham of the University of Glasgow recently presented a SSERCmeet on the subject of genomics within the new Higher Biology and Higher Human Biology curricula. A recording of the SSERCmeet can be viewed here. To supplement his SSERCmeet Professor Graham has produced a PowerPoint presentation which is available here.
Personalised medicine
- Personalised medicine (PowerPoint)
- Case studies (PowerPoint)
- A bioinformatics study of bovine casein, the predominant mammalian milk protein.