Here are some 400 vector-based .wmf files of Biology graphics. The zipped folder titles correspond to a number of areas in Biology. To get the graphics click on any link e.g. Beetles :-
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Once you have extracted the files you can then drag and drop the graphics into Word or PowerPoint. If you can’t see the graphics as wmf file thumbnails in Windows 7, install this plug-in You’ll need to restart your computer for the plug-in to take effect.
Editing files with PowerPoint – If want to tweak the files you have loaded into a PowerPoint page right-click the mouse button over the image then I. You are then asked if you want to convert it to a Microsoft drawing object. Click Yes. You should then be able to pick up the constituent bits of the image. Please note that the text can be picked out as single letter images but cannot be edited as ASCII text. Note also you may come across some objects which have no apparent function. Try Ctrl-C then Ctrl-V on an object to see what its copy looks like e.g. A colourless fill in the shape of the object. Try adding colour fills now via Home then Shape Fill/Effects. You should also be able to import these files into the free vector program Inkscape.
Zipped Biology folders
APPRTS apparatus
1WAYTAP 1-way tap plastic gas tubing
BATCHFER batch fermentation Bulletin 167
BIOAMP Unilab Biological Amplifier ECG electromyogram
BLOODPR1 blood pressure manometer sphygmomanometer
BLOODPR2 blood pressure manometer sphygmomanometer
CENTRFTU centrifuge tube glass
DIYFERME DIY fermenter lemonade bottle syringe extracts samples pH
ECG1 ECG electrocardiogram electrode physiology cardiac heart connections Bulletin 174
FERMENTE design air in biotechnology
FERMBAFF fermenter baffles aeration
FERMCOLU fermenter column plastic tube
LEAFMASK leaf mask photosynthesis starch test variegated
PEAKFLO using motor & propellor with analogue interface or datalogger to examine the peak flow at which a subject can breathe out
PEAKG1 graph of peak flow. 4 subjects tested. LogIT datalogger and LinkPack+ software used.
PEAKG2 graph of peak flow. 5 subjects tested. Datadisc Plus software used.
POOTER for collecting small insects etc. without harming the specimen or the user
SENSE1 Educational Electronics Sense analogue port interface
STETHOGR stethograph rubber tube breathing patterns rate depth of
STETHOSC stethoscope heart sounds beat cardiac
ULTRASCA ultrasonics scanner echolocation
APPRTS.DNAKITS apparatus used in practical work on aspects of DNA technology with the NCBE and SAPS kits
5WELLDNA 5 tooth camb for producing 5 wells in gel for restriction analysis of plant DNA – SAPS kit
BACTEROP bacteriophage virus showing DNA strands inside
CUTECORI action of the restriction enzyme EcoRI. The sequence of six base pairs recognised and cut.
DNAELECT electrophoresis tank for NCBE kit showing gel and wells
DNAGELWE gel comb and micoscope slide on glass base plate with gel – SAPS kit
EXPLANTS extraction of plant DNA procedure – SAPS kit
MICROSYR microsyringe 10ul
MICROTUB microtube
NCBETANK electrophoresis tank with 2 9V batteries
PASTEURP pasteur pipette
RESPHANC restriction analysis of phage DNA – NCBE kit
RESPHASA restriction analysis of phage DNA – SAPS kit
RESPLANT restriction analysis of plant DNA – SAPS kit
SAPSPLAN plan view of SAPS electrophoresis tank
SAPSTANK electrophoresis tank showing gel and terminals
BEET various beetles
CLICK Elater balteatus
COCK Melolantha melolantha
DEVIL Ocypus olens Devil’s coach-horse
GRND Carabus violaceus
LADY7 ladybird 7 spot Coccinella 7-punctata
LADYI ladybird eyed Anatis ocellata
OIL Meloe proscarabaeus
PILL Pill bug
POPL Melasoma populi
WEEV Polydrusus tereticollis
BLOB bits of the blobby figures plus the blobbies in various poses
ARM1 upper arm
ARM2 lower arm
BAMAN 2 blobbies at table, drinking!
BAR full bar-room scene of blobbies
BUM blobbies bottom, cheek
CHAM shaded blobby
FOOT foot
HAND hand
HOLD blobby holding one arm in the air
KICK wee blobby doing kicking action
LOOK wee blobby looking upwards
PUZ wee blobby puzzled about something
RUN running blobby
STOOL stool
TEA blobby sitting on stool, pouring tea from a teapot
TPOT teapot
BONES human bones or bone pairs as separate files
CLAV collar bone
FEET tarsals metatarsals phalanges toes
FEMUR thigh bone strongest
HAND carpals metacarpals phalanges fingers
HUME upper arm bone
MAND lower jaw bone bite teeth
PELV pelvic girdle shows lower spine coccyx tail vertebrae hip
RADUL radius ulna forearm
RIBB ribs at front chest rib cage thoracic cavity thorax
RIBF ribs at back chest rib cage thoracic thorax
SCAP shoulder blade
SKULL cranium head heid napper brain box
SPINE vertebra vertebrae backbone thoracic lumbar cervical
TIBF tibia fibula shin bone leg
FENC dummy fencing en garde
FRONT front view dummy elevation standing
HOLD dummy saying hold this
LIE dummy lying down
POLE dummy vault
PROF dummy end elevation
PROFSIT profile dummy sitting
PROP dummy marriage
RECV dummy First Aid position
RUN1 dummy running
RUN2 Draw file for animation of dummy running
SIT1 dummy sitting sit profile end elevation
SIT2 dummy sitting front elevation
SLIN dummy First Aid broken forearm sling position
STOP dummy halt who goes there
THROW dummy throwing
WALK dummy front on view elevation
BABY baby face wean nipper child infant
FACE1 face human profile end on elevation
FACE2 face human adult front on elevation
FACE3 face human profile end on elevation
ORGN human organs
BLAD1 urine waterworks urino genital
BLAD2 bladder urine waterworks urino genital
BRAIN anterior part central nervous system
GALL gall bladder bile duct
HART cardiac cardiovascular
LINT large intestine alimentary canal remove water colon
LIVR bile glycogen hepatic
LKID left kidney excretion water regulation
LLUNG left lung breathing respiratory system
OESO peristalsis gullet
PANC pancreas pancreatic sweet bread duct
RKID right kidney excretion water regulation
RLUNG right lung breathing respiratory system
SINT small intestine digestion duodenum ileum
SPLEE lymphoid tissue lymphocytes red blood cells
STOM1 digestion alimentary canal
STOM2 stomach digestion alimentary canal
TRAC windpipe respiratory system
OUTL human body outlines
BODY1 human body front view elevation anterior
BODY2 human body front view elevation goes around skeleton anterior
BODY3 human body front view elevation for display internal organs
CELLS.CHEM cell chemistry
ENZYM enzyme mechanism lock and key model
MEMB fluid mosaic model
PRIM polypeptide simple protein
PROTC polypeptide protein structure
QUATE polypeptide protein structure
SECO polypeptide protein structure
TERT polypeptide protein structure
CELLS.GEN general
ANIC animal cell collection
ANML cell animal nucleus cytoplasm
CELDIV cell division simple schematic
MOLD pin bread mould fungus sporangiospores sporangium columella sporangiophore rhizoids section Rhizopus
PLANT cell plant nucleus cytoplasm
CELLS.MICROO micro-organisms
AMOEB protozoa protozoan protist plankton
BACIL bacillaceae rod shaped microbe bacterium
CHPOX chicken pox virus germ disease
EUGL protist plankton
FLU influenza virus germ disease
MEASL virus germ disease
PARAM paramoecium protist protozoa protozoan plankton
PHAGE virus bacteriophage
SPIRL 0.2-50 um variation of rod curved corkscrew flagella motile bacteria microbe bacterium
SPIRO spirogyra alga algae chlorophyll filamentous spiral chloroplast photosynthesis
STAPH staphylococcus gram-positive coccus irregular clusters aureus albus microbe bacterium
STREP streptococcus coccus cocci microbe bacterium
VCOAT protein coat virus
VIBRIO rod gram negative microbe bacterium
WARTS wart virus
CELLS.MICROS microscope views
COMPIL microrganisms at various magnifications
EYEGR graticule eyepiece microscope
EYEP eyepiece microscope microscopy
GRAT graticule microscope microscopy
microm stage micrometer microscope
X100 x100 graticule with scale
X100M micro-organisms microbe scale views
X400 micro-organisms microbe scale views
CELLS.ORGNL organelles
CHLOR chloroplast photosynthesis
MITOC mitochondrion cell respiration
NUCL genes genetic nuclear
ALLRED erythrocyte red blood cells corpuscle
ALLWB white blood cells corpuscles immune immunity
AXON reflex neurone nerve
CAPILLAR blood vessel histology tissues
CHEEKCEL cheek cell simple epithelium histology tissues
COLUMNAR epithelium histology tissues
CUBOIDAL epithelium histology tissues
EGG human egg ovum ova reproduction sex sexual
EPITHCOL histology tissues epithelium
JELLY jellyfish sting cell medusa hydra
lARGEAGR lymphocyte corpuscle immune immunity
MONOAGR leucocyte corpuscle immune immunity immunology
NETL nettle sting cell urtica
PAVEMENT epithelium histology tissues
PLANRED erythrocyte red blood cells corpuscle
RADIARED erythrocyte red blood cells corpuscle
SECTRED erythrocyte red blood cells corpuscle
SMALLAGR lymphocyte corpuscle immune immunity
SPERM human sperm sex sexual reproduction
GENRL general
BEANSPRO bean germination seed seedling coleoptile primary root embryo
EARS hearing ears lugs audio auditory aural sound
EGGCHICK egg chicken fertilised embryo shell yolk albumen chalaza inner outer membrane
ELODEA oxygen producer photosynthesis Canadian Pondweed
EYEPROFI eye profile end view sight opthalmic
EYESFRON eyes front view elevation sight opthalmic
FACE2 face human front on elevation features
FEMALEFA female face front features
FERMENTE fermentation bioreactor biotechnology
FLOWERBI flowering plant flower sexual reproduction stigma style petal anther filament ovary ovule stamen receptacle carpel
FLOWERHE flower head corolla petals botany
HAIR part of head
HEAD cranium brain box skull
HEART auricle ventricle valves muscle blood pump cardiac cardiovascular
HONEYCOM honeycomb
HUMANHAN hand human
IMMOBENZ immobilised enzyme biotechnology protein
LIPS facial face features
NECK facial face features
NOSE facial face features olefactory
OATSEED seed grain germination
PLANT1 plant leaves roots stem botany
PROFILEF face profile end on elevation
PROTEINS protein model
TORSOSID torso human body anatomy
VISKING tubing osmosis semi permeable membrane diffusion
ZEOLITE alumino silicate hygroscopic
ZOOSPHER zeolite zoosphere
LADYB ladybirds
10SP 10 spot Adalia 10-Punctata
10SP2 10 spot II Adalia 10-punctata
14SP 14 spot Propylea 14-punctata
14SP1 14 spot I Calvia 14-guttata
14SP2 14 spot II Calvia 14-guttata
2SP 2 spot Adalia 2-punctata
2SP1 2 spot I Adalia 2-punctata
2SP2 2 spot II Adalia 2-punctata
2SP3 2 spot III Adalia 2-punctata
2SP4 2 spot IV Adalia 2-punctata
2SP5 2 spot V Adalia 2-punctata
22SP1 22 spot I Thea 22-punctata
22SP2 22 spot II Thea 22-punctata
7SP 7 spot Coccinella 7-punctata
EYED1 eyed I Anatis ocellata
EYED2 eyed II Anatis ocellata
EYED3 eyed III Anatis ocellata
HIERO Coccinella hieroglyphica
LUNAT lunate from South Africa Chilomenes lunata
MIMIC Ladybird mimic Endomychus coccineus
SPLIT Ladybird Paramysia oblongoguttata
MINIBEAS minibeasts
CADDIS x3 caddis fly larva Anabolia nervosa
CADDIS2 x3 caddis fly larva Stenophylax
LEECH x5 leech Glossiphonia complanata
MAGGOT x5 rat-tailed maggot Eristalis teneax
MAYFLY1 x3 mayfly nymph Ephemeralla ignita
MAYFLY2 x3 mayfly nymph Baetis rhodani
MIDGE x5 bloodworm midge larva Chironomus thummi
MITE x5 water mite Thyas
STONEFLY x3 stonefly nymph Isoperla grammatica
WORM x1 segmented worm Lumbriculus variegata
SKEL human skeleton
EMPTY complete human skeleton front on view elevation anterior
ANIMPHYS – animal physiology
ENVIRGEN – environment , general
LIVCELL – Living cells