This course is designed to instruct learners on the safe use of bandsaws, circular saws and planer thicknessers. The unit also aims to instruct learners on the safe procedures for carrying out associated tasks such as blade changing.
Dates: 4th – 5th December 2024

Booking for this course is no longer possible as the closing date has passed
School Technical Support Staff. Access to this unit will be at the discretion of the centre but there must be evidence that learners have undergone training in the use of fixed workshop machinery. This training can either be college, school based or through a craft apprenticeship.
This course forms part of a suite of competency based CLPL for support staff.
Course Leader
Chris Kerr
01383 626070
None available
The STEM Inspiration awards
The STEM Inspiration awards are a free award scheme, designed to celebrate individuals and organisations working to inspire young people in STEM subjects.
By the end of this course you should be able to:
- Demonstrate knowledge and understanding related to the safe use of the bandsaw, circular saw and planer thicknesser.
- Apply safety precautions necessary for the safe operation of the bandsaw, circular saw and planer thicknesser.
- Understand the functions of guards and safety devices.
- Safely set up the tool settings and prepare the bandsaw, circular saw and planer thicknesser for use.
- Safely operate the bandsaw, circular saw and planer thicknesser
Why Should You Attend?
Further your knowledge on safety procedures and good working practices for fixed workshop machinery.
Day 1
- Health & Safety Legislation
- Practical Demonstration: Bandsaw
- Practical Demonstration: Circular Saw
- Practical Demonstration: Planer Thicknesser
- Practical Demonstration: Blade changing procedures on above machines
- Practical Assessment: Blade changing procedures on above machines
Day 2
- Practical Assessment
- Written Assessment
- Plenary session and Q&As
Attend on 2 days and undergo both written and practical assessment. It is recommended that a refresher course be undertaken every 5 years.
The course will be held at SSERC in Dunfermline. Our SSERC buildings are at 2 Pitreavie Court, Dunfermline, KY11 8UU. SSERC is a short (5-10 minutes) walk from Rosyth railway station and close to the end of the A823(M) spur off Junction 2 of the M90 motorway. Car journey times (approximately): Edinburgh – 30 min; Glasgow – 60 min; Aberdeen – 2.5 hours; Inverness – 3 hours.