Part 1: Monday 23rd September 2024 (full day PL @ SSERC)

Part 2: Thursday 6th February 2025 (online twilight session 3.30-5.00pm)

The following professional learning opportunity from SSERC includes the loan of an entire class kit of VEX GO, starting from the face to face day at SSERC and lasting around 16 school weeks. This will allow delegates to instantly apply their learning in their setting, focussing on small groups, class or whole school implementation, as well as sharing with staff in their school.

VEX Go is an amazing product from VEX Robotics that helps us introduce the world of STEM, robotics and coding to our pupils. With the improved storage system, coloured parts for easy identification, fantastic ‘how to’ guides and a range of free activities for teachers to access, VEX have created a product that covers a vast amount of STEM outcomes for all your learners.

Through the face to face session at SSERC, we will provide an overview of all the VEX Go kit, how to use the different components, prepare your kit for use and introduce starter builds such as ‘Code Base’ and ‘Super Car’ to show what the kit can do.

We will then look at coding using the VEX Code Go app, before considering how to use the STEM labs and other online Vex Go resources to improve STEM and Computing Science outcomes within your setting.

If you are looking to enhance your STEM focus in your school, get staff engaged with STEM or Computing Science, have STEM/Technologies on your School Improvement Plan or are working towards your Digital Schools Award Scotland, then this course will provide the learning and the resources to make a huge impact.

Spaces are limited due to the amount of resources we provide to schools, so apply below now to ensure you can take advantage of this opportunity.

*While VEX GO can be used as a tool to develop Science, Engineering and Maths skills without the use of any other devices, learners will require access to the VEXcode GO platform to use the kits for the coding elements. The app can be downloaded onto iPads, or can be used via the browser on Chromebooks, Windows laptops etc. which have a Bluetooth connection.

Closing Date: 4th September 2024

Booking for this course is no longer possible as the closing date has passed.