Part 1: Monday 16th September 2024 (full day PL @ SSERC)

Part 2: Monday 3rd February 2025 (online twilight session 3.30-5.00pm)

The following professional learning opportunity from SSERC includes the loan of an entire class kit of indi robots, starting from the face to face day at SSERC and lasting around 16 school weeks. This will allow delegates to instantly apply their learning in their setting, focussing on small groups, class or whole school implementation, as well as sharing with staff in their school.

This course will provide an introduction to Sphero indi and how this fantastic and engaging resource can be used in the Primary setting (targeted at Early/First level) to enhance engagement in Computing Science principles and concepts.

We will encourage hands on practical experience with indi via a full day face to face session, self-study elements and a final twilight live remote session, using the Sphero indi resources from a SSERC class kit.

There will also be a focus on developing an understanding of different pedagogical approaches, whilst considering the impact of play-based and cross-curricular learning, along with unplugged activities.  To find out more about Sphero indi, click here to watch a UK Case Study: indi in the classroom!

This is a fantastic opportunity to engage with a resource that will enhance not only Computing Science outcomes, but also focus on developing learner skills of problem solving, collaboration and resilience.

If you are looking to enhance your digital focus in your school, get staff engaged with Computing Science, have Technologies on your School Improvement Plan or are working towards your Digital Schools Award Scotland, then this course will provide the learning and the resources to make a huge impact.

Spaces are limited due to the amount of resources we provide to schools, so apply below now to ensure you can take advantage of this opportunity.

*indi is generally used as a completely unplugged resource, and while not essential the Sphero Edu Jr. app is an add on that we will explore briefly during our PL day, so you may wish to have this

Closing Date: 2nd September 2024

If you experience any difficulties accessing the online booking then please email us at