The page numbers refer to the pages in the pdf. (The numbers in brackets are those given in the actual bulletin)
3(1) Introduction
Development and aims of SSSERC.
5(3) Opinion
Laboratory assistant/technicians
6(4) Trade News
9(7) Second-Hand Equipment
Working with scientific apparatus rejects from industrial research laboratories and university departments.
10(8) In The Workshop – Jobs for your lab technician.
11(9) In The Workshop – Storing lenses.
A design for a lens storage box
12(10) In The Workshop – Inflating balloons
Modifying a Woolworth’s product for use in the laboratory.
14(12) Address list
The page numbers refer to the pages in the pdf. (The numbers in brackets are those given in the actual bulletin)
3(1) Introduction
Appointment of Assistant Director, SSSERC operations, Holiday closures..
3(1) Opinion
Comprehensive schools and implications for science departments, Demonstration apparatus and “fiddling little groups”,
5(3) Ohm’s Law
Apparatus requirements for investigating Ohm’s law.
6(4) Variable transformer – making it safe.
Alterations to a potentially lethal purchase.
7(5) Display Laboratory
Latest additions.
8(6) Trade News
9(7) In The Workshop – pump for Nuffield Boyle’s Law apparatus
A cycle pump is more than adequate.
10(8) In The Workshop – Whitley Bay smoke cells for Brownian motion
A way in which a laboratory assistant could make these up, in pupil quantity, simply and cheaply.
12(10) Address List