The page numbers refer to the pages in the pdf. (The numbers in brackets are those given in the actual bulletin)
3(1) Introduction
Equipment Lists revisions, Sources of rocks, minerals and fossils.
3(1) Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LP.G.) Burners
We test various LPG burners and also a number of other standard Bunsen burners obtained from various suppliers.
4(2) New book, “Hazards in the Chemical Laboratory”
5(3) Respiration module
The detection of carbon dioxide production by a range of living organisms with bicarbonate indicator.
8(6) Surplus physics equipment
13(11) Bulletin Supplement ‘H’ grade microscopes
A list of microscope test reports available.
14(12) Address List
The page numbers refer to the pages in the pdf. (The numbers in brackets are those given in the actual bulletin)
3(1) Introduction
AS.E. Meeting at Inverness, Audio Visual Aid materials
3(1) Phenylthiocarbamide (P.T.C.) tasting
Update on the dangers of this substance.
4(2) Albustix and Clinistix
A brief review of their suitability.
4(2) Respiratory Quotient
A simple method, using the compensated respirometer described in Bulletin 48.
5(3) A simple respirometer
Using a plastic syringe of appropriate size to make a simple respirometer.
6(4) Variation of P.D. with capacitance at constant charge
A straightforward method for demonstrating this.
6(4) A simple transistor tester
This unit, costing only a few pence, is designed to allow, in conjunction with an ohmmeter, a quick test on any transistor.
7(5) Polaroid cameras for strobe photography
How to use Polaroid cameras to demonstrate strobe effects.
8(6) Natural Gas Conversion Kit for Griffin and George gas chromatograph
A Natural Gas Conversion Kit is now available from Griffin and George for their Gas Chromatograph
9(7) Trade News
10(8) In the Workshop – S.H.M. Circle of Reference Demonstrator
Apparatus to show that when a particle travels at constant speed in a circle, its projection onto a straight line travels with a variable velocity and acceleration
12(10) Van de Graaf belts
Surgical rubber bandage makes a good replacement
12(10) 4 mm uninsulated sockets
A Substitute for the products we mentioned in Bulletin 51.
13(11) Bulletin Supplement – ‘O’ Grade microscopes
A list of review articles available to borrow.
14(12) Address List
A Substitute for the products we mentioned in Bulletin 51.
13(11) Bulletin Supplement – ‘O’ Grade microscopes
A list of review articles available to borrow.
14(12) Address List
A list of review articles available to borrow.
14(12) Address List
The page numbers refer to the pages in the pdf. (The numbers in brackets are those given in the actual bulletin)
3(1) Introduction
Programme of Exhibitions, — Meter Amplifier and the Silicon Diode Thermometer
3(1) Silicon Diode Thermometer
The thermometer which is described in the Physics Notes of this bulletin has several uses in Biology.
4(2) Slides and Transparencies
Price correction to Bulletin 52.
5(3) Cheap Water Purifier
This is based on the replacement cans which are available for the Elgacan Deioniser
5(3) Sixth Form Topics
8 useful chemistry booklets from ICI.
6(4) Simple Meter Amplifier
The construction of a simple but extremely useful D.C. amplifier suitable for detecting or displaying currents of I microamp (or less)
8(6) Silicon Diode Thermometer
This is an electronic thermometer, using a silicon diode as the temperature dependent element in place of a more expensive thermistor.
11(9) Surplus Physics Equipment
12(10) In the Workshop – Live Mammal Trap
An effective and easy to construct design
13(11) Trade News
13(12) Address List
The page numbers refer to the pages in the pdf. (The numbers in brackets are those given in the actual bulletin)
3(1) Introduction
Display Laboratory, Technical Studies Kits, W. B. Nicolson Apparatus and Spares
3(1) Blood Flow Model
Adapted from a Nuffield ‘A’ level Biology design, to enable blind pupils to appreciate the nature of blood flow in arteries and veins.
5(3) Osmotic Pressure with Viskng Tubing
Visking tubing is not the easiest of materials for pupils to handle. We show a more or less permanent arrangement for holding the tubing, which simplifies much of the procedure.
6(4) Stationary Wave Generator
We suggest a set up for conveniently being able to set up a stationary wave pattern in a stretched string, at either fundamental or overtone modes, and to allow these patterns to be clearly visible.
9(7) Surplus physics Equipment
10(8) In the Workshop – Modifications to Dynamics Trolleys
The following suggestions have been received from Berwickshire High School, Dune, as a means of improving the usefulness of dynamics trolleys.
12(10) Useful Rotary Switch
The wave change switch from an old T.V. set makes a useful rotary switch
13(11) Trade News
14(12) Address List
The page numbers refer to the pages in the pdf. (The numbers in brackets are those given in the actual bulletin)
3(1) Introduction
Staff updates, Earth Leakage Protection Units
3(1) Supply of Rhabditis
Alternatives that are easier to culture.
3(1) Bile Salts
Whaere to find them – and under what name.
4(2) Aquarium Heaters and Thermostats
The safety of mains-powered heaters in water.
4(2) Electronic Thermometer Probes
Anyone who has made up the Silicon Diode Therniorneter, described In Bulletin 55, may find the production of cheap disposable thermistor probes by Medicon U.K. Ltd. of interest.
5(3) A Mechanical Analogue for Modes of Vibration of Molecules In the Infra Red
A very simple and easily constructed model.
7(5) Uses of Chart Recorders in School Science Teaching
The arrival on the market of chart recorders, costing less than £100, and suitable for school use, has opened up a new era of practical work in school teaching laboratories.
9(7) Chart Recorders for School use
A brief review of the models available.
10(8) Surplus Physics Equipment
10(8) Trade News
11(9) In the Workshop – Hot Air Engine
This device is designed to show the direct conversion of heat into work. The model is very easily constructed from materials which are readily available. It is based on a filter receiver tube and a 10ml glass syringe.
13(11) Bulletin Supplement — Summary of Stereomicroscope tests
A list of stereomicroscope test reports available.
14(12) Address List
The page numbers refer to the pages in the pdf. (The numbers in brackets are those given in the actual bulletin)
3(1) Introduction
SSSERC Demonstration Lectures
4(2) Transpiration in Plants
We have attempted to simplify the investigations involved, so that they can be performed on a pupil scale wherever possible, and still hopefully provide worthwhile results. In doing so we have made use of a type of bubble atmometer/potometer, the construction and operation of which are described.
9(7) Battery box
A box for using and charging small Nife cells
14(12) Address List
The page numbers refer to the pages in the pdf. (The numbers in brackets are those given in the actual bulletin)
3(1) Introduction
Bulletin reprints, Test summaries
4(2) Differential pressure gauge
In Bulletin 57, the surplus equipment carried mention of a differential pressure gauge under the title of air speed indicators At that time we did not know how sensitive the gauge was, nor to what uses it could be put in schools.
6(4) Meter amplifier, correction
Corrections to a couple of errors in the article in Bulletin 55.
6(4) Low voltage power supplies
We propose testing these.
7(5) surplus physics equipment
7(5) Microscopes for ‘0’ grade
We propose testing these.
8(6) Trade News
9(7) Electroplating
Recipes and methods to achieve this successfully.
10(8) Molecular vibration
Correction to a formula in the last Bulletin.
10(8) Vanadium (v) oxide catalyst
We have some available to give away. . . and an account of the oxidation of sulphur dioxide as we have carried out in the Centre.
11(9) Centrifuges
We propose to test some.
12(10) In The Workshop – 14mm plug leads
A method for connecting them that reduces the chances of wires being pulled out.
12(10) Stainless steel identification
A simple method to identify stainless steel.
12(10) Pyrex glass identification
A simple way of distinguishing pyrex from soda glass.
13(11) Bulletin Supplement – ‘H’ grade microscopes
A list of test reports available.
14(12) Address List