The page numbers refer to the pages in the pdf. (The numbers in brackets are those given in the actual bulletin)
3(1) Opinion
DTP Addiction – Desk Top Publishing is a wonderful facility. We all love it. It enables the maladroit to produce professional-looking worksheets.
4(2) Introduction
Easter closure, Saturday mornings, Scottish ASE Annual meeting, Technology – open courses, Bulletin blockages, Bulletin production, Technical resource support for Standard Grade Chemistry, Surveys of consumer opinion, Interactivity
6(4) S.G.Technological Studies
That which follows completes a trilogy of articles on how coursework for the new Standard Grade might be organised, managed and taught.
Pp 11 – 14 Questionnaires on system boards and eye protection
16(10) Further notes on thermocouples
The design of an electronic thermometer using a Type K thermocouple and a specialised thermocouple amplifier with cold junction compensation is described. This should interest anyone wanting to build a cheap thermometer with a working range of —200°C to +1250°C.
19(13) Standard Grade Biology Topic 7 – Biotechnology
We have come across some snags in two of’ the practical activities in the Topic 7 National Exemplar materials. In the main, these minor difficulties arise out a lack of detail in the Teacher/Technician Guide for the topic. These short notes aim to plug such gaps.
19(13) Staining yoghurt bacteria
19(13) Pectinase — extraction of fruit juice
22(16) Anemometers for fume cupboard monitoring
This article discusses fume cupboard monitoring and looks at several of’ the more reasonably priced anemometers that can be used to measure the face velocities of fume cupboards.
27(21) Pulse monitors – addendum
An addition to the summary in Bulletin 164
28(22) Centrifuges
In our equipment lists for Standard Grade Biology we only mentioned less expensive models of centrifuge intended for general school laboratory applications. We did annotate the list to the effect that we would be updating our test programme on more sophisticated models suitable for use right through to CSYS level.
29(23) Printers and plotters
We have been looking at ways of improving the presentation of our printed materials. In so doing we have had on loan for evaluation a number of printers and plotters.
33(27) Science & Plants for Schools (SAPS)
The SAPS programme has been set up to promote and support exciting plant science teaching in schools.
33(27) Trade News
Ian Douglas, microscope servicing
The page numbers refer to the pages in the pdf. (The numbers in brackets are those given in the actual bulletin)
3(1) Opinion
4(2) Introduction
Bulletin format, Farewells, Summer opening, Equipment Sales, More on SAPS
5(3) SSERC Publications Standard Grade Chemistry
SSERC can now offer updated information on equipment and chemicals, including those items necessary to undertake the practical work set out in the revised Higher syllabus.
7(5) Technological Studies
Since the Spring of 1989 and the start of our Scottish Joint Support Activity Project for TVEI, we have been developing and trialling in-service materials for teachers of Technological Studies.
8(6) Electricity at Work Regulations 1989
This article notifies you of the Regulations, discusses their purpose, scope of application and nature, describes some of their requirements and outlines their possible impact on methods of working.
10(8) TV set modifications
We draw your attention to a warning circulated at the end of last session by the Health and Safety Executive. It described two particular fault conditions caused by modifications carried out to a TV set.
10(8) A dangerous music power supply
This note is about a mains to 12 V power supply from the Music Centre, 48 Campbell Street, Hamilton,or from a branch in Paisley.
10(8) Microscope lamps
Problems with n a microscope lampholder marked “Olympus Tokyo Japan”
11(9) Rewiring soldering irons
Advice on replacing the cord in soldering irons.
11(9) Compressed air supplies
A new booklet, published by the Health & Safety Executive entitled ‘Compressed air safety’. Although these guidance notes are mainly aimed at the industrial user they contain much infonnation and advice which will be of value to teachers and technicians in Technology Education Departments.
12(10) Standard Grade Technological Studies
Since publication of recent articles, we have received a number of requests that we describe more fully one sample project. That is what we attempt to do in the article which follows. We look at possible solutions to the “Automatic Door System” problem outlined in Bulletin 164.
20(18) Some experiments to underpin Newton’s Second Law of Motion
Two experiments are described which support the concept that the unbalanced force is equal to the rate of change of momentum.
21(19) Flashing LED paradox
Connect a LED across an induction coil, fitted with a C-core and orient, a magnet such that the LED flashes brightly if the magnet is smartly withdrawn from the C-core
22(20) An op-amp power supply
The design of a dual rail power supply with voltage regulation is discussed.
24(22) A bi-directional motor driver
A need has arisen for an additional circuit to drive small d.c. motors, providing linear voltage control from zero to maximum in either direction.
28(26) DIY coulometer cells
The counter cells are no longer available from suppliers. Described here is the construction of diy cells and ancillary items, namely, a platinum electrode and a constant current supply.
30(28) Gas collection and d.i.y. electrodes revisited
Two good ideas on this theme have been sent to us from Stromness Academy. The ideas are excellent in that they can be cheaply and easily constructed and are most effective in use.
Gas collection – The device described below removes the need to have to place a finger or thumb under the surface of a solution of an electrolyte.
Electrodes – Simple ‘S’-shaped electrodes have the advantage over the usual linear rod-type that they can be hung on the sides of a beaker
31(29) Fermenters Part I
We describe three broad categories of fermentation apparatus for use in schools. Distinctions are made on educational grounds. Commercial devices are reviewed.
38(36) Portable radiation monitors
We test two models break the £200 price barrier. Their appearance is particularly apposite at a time when curricular changes have introduced the concepts of dose, dose rate and typical background levels.
40(38) Pneumatics – compressors and air supply arrangements
This article provides general notes on the choice, installation and use of compressed air supplies in Standard Grade Technological Studies.
44(42) CCAP Culture Kit – a review
We continue interrupted evaluation of this culture kit which uses algae and protozoa to support practical work in microbiology and biotechnology
45(43) Trade News
LJ Systems, Opitec, MJP Geo Packs, Oscilloscope repair, Clandon Scientific Limited, Ross and Lamont
46(44) Surplus equipment offers
The page numbers refer to the pages in the pdf. (The numbers in brackets are those given in the actual bulletin)
3(1) Opinion
5(3) Introduction
Errata in B166, Saturday openings, More farewells (Danny Burns, Plan Z, Again, advisers – adieu, Hugh Maclaren HMI)
6(4) Pressure vessel checks – new regulations
Made under the Health and Safety etc. at Work Act, 1974, the “Pressure Systems and Transportable Gas Containers Regulations, 1989” came into force with effect on the 1st of July 1990.
7(5) Electrical safety – HSE Guidance Note GS23 revised
The Health and Safety Executive Guidance Note on electrical safety in schools was first published in September 1983. A 1990 revised version has been available through HMSO since April or May of this year.
8(6) Disposal of chemicals
We expect that many schools follow the advice contained in Hazcards [1]. However this advice needs qualifying. A recent communication from an Environmental Health Officer drew our attention to one way in which information on Hazcards may be being misinterpreted by some.
11(9) Brown mushroom demo
We have had a report of this demonstration going wrong and spraying a teacher with concentrated nitric acid.
11(9) Oven fires
We have heard of a fire caused by a fault in a glass drying oven in a university.
11(9) That dangerous music power supply again!
Another supplier of a hazardous power supply.
12(10) Applications of Information Technology
A family of articles on computer applications in science and technology education.
12(10) An overview
13(11) SSERC graphics library for Archimedes computers 11
14(12) The transition from Master to Archimedes 12
16(14) Manipulating data with Datadisc Plus – some chemistry applications
26(24) DIY computer interfacing
This is the first of a series of articles which will be of interest to anyone who wants to build their own interfaces for a BBC Model B, Master, or Archimedes, for datalogging or control.
30(28) Fermenters – Part II
Practical tips are given on the implementation of a selection of published ideas for the d.i.y construction of fermenters.
33(31) Further practical work to underpin Newton’s Laws of Motion
33(31) High speed flash photography
35(33) Propeller driven trolley
37(35) Errata (Bulletin 166)
38(36) Digital multimeters
In this survey, the first we have published in the Bulletin since 1986, the thirteen meters reported on are all considered to be good buys. Some were found to be less good than others, but none were found to have critical deficiencies.
43(31) Trade News
Pipette fillers, New Alpha boards for H Grade Physics, Omega boards for H Grade Physics, BDH branch closure, Sofex – old and new. Water pumps. Model houses, Materials for TAPS Tests, Lensman – a pocket microscope, Regulated power supplies, Locktronics, Radford
45(43) Surplus equipment offers
The page numbers refer to the pages in the pdf. (The numbers in brackets are those given in the actual bulletin)
3(1) Opinion
4(2) Introduction
Christmas closure, Yet another farewell, Have you read. . . ? Comment
5(3) Announcements
Science And Plants For Schools, Cross-curricular projects,
5(3) Trade News
Harris Analogue Colorimeter, New RS range of tools, LogIT portable data logger, Common data format
6(4) Apparatus defects – electrical safety
Our routine evaluation programme of apparatus has brought to light a number of potentially dangerous defects in electrical products.
7(5) Problems with acidified dichromate (VI)
We recently had a report from a Principal Teacher of Chemistry that the reaction of this reagent with ethanol and ethanal had been occasionally somewhat violent.
8(6) Microbiological safety
8(6) Glass envelope insulation on tank heaters
We are concerned at the usage of glass as a functional layer of insulation in certain electrical immersion heaters operating at 240 V.
9(7) Pipeclay triangles
Possible flaws in batches of pipeclay triangles supplied by Philip Harris
9(7) Printed circuit board manufacture
Advice on protection measures which should be taken when making p.c.b’s.
13(11) Seno Workstation – PCB manufacture
This workstation claims that it has been specially designed to minimise risk during this activity. Does it live up to its promise?
pp 12 & 13 missing from full scan – included in the separate download on Eye Protection, above.
14(12) Eye protection 12
16(16) Standard Grade Biology – practical tips
16(16) Milk agar and enzyme action
17(17) Immobilised Enzymes
18(18) Fermenters – part III
Practical tips are given on the construction of a model of a continuous fermentation system. Two further models are described which provide contexts for simple investigations of problems in biochemical engineering.
22(22) DIY interfacing II
This is the second in a series of articles which will be of interest to anyone who wants to build their own interfaces for BBC Model Bs, Masters, or Archimedeses, for datalogging or control.
27(27) A platinum resistance thermometer
An accurate, electronic thermometer reading directly in degrees Celsius can be designed and constructed using a platinum resistance temperature detector in one arm of an out-of-balance resistance bridge.
29(29) Unilab Alpha Kit
Some common failures